Wednesday, January 30, 2013

My thoughts on chapter 2

In chapter 2 we read about content learning.  We learned that knowledge according to research can be broken down to three categories which are declarative, structural, and procedural.  It went on to explain what is type is and an example of it.  I really think the figure 2.2 on pg. 40 gave a great simple breakdown of what they are and how they go with each other.

Something the chapter made me really think about was just how the technology would be physically in my classroom.  With I mean will my classroom even have a computer and if so how many?  I know most classrooms I have gotten a chance to observe didn't have any computers in it.  The closest it came was a laptop the teacher used.  The classes would each get time in a computer lab.

The chapter went on to talk about different technology that can be used besides a computer such as whiteboard, overheads, and microphones to name a few.  It talked about the different softwares that could be used for the different learnings.  I liked the software they talked about from Tom Synder where the students have to make a decision and they do it several times to see the different outcomes from their actions.

This chapter was about how to get you to start thinking making lesson plans and having them technology-enhanced.  You have to think about how the technology will work with all students such including special needs and ELL students.  I think the computer and certain softwares will benefit ELL learns by being able to use their language and English.  The chapter also gave good guidelines to remember when making your lesson plans.   I think with the United States being such a melting pot of different cultures it is good to remember guideline #3:  Teach in a culturally responsive manner.   It was a good chapter and one to look back on when writing future plans.


  1. I liked the section on how to place technology in the classroom too. The text suggested a station style of placement for computers. I liked this idea because it reminded me of station teaching --having different stations where students go to learn different topics or material. An idea I have is to integrate the two concepts --three stations to discuss the topic with a computer at each station for further research. Depending on how many computers are in the classroom, group research of some kind could be assigned based on things the students seemed to have interest in or need more creative ways to learn. What are your ideas on physically positioning technology in the classroom?

    1. I like your idea of of the three station set up. I would have each station a different topic. I might even have a station where its a reward station will a fun learning game a student could earn points to use. If I can I like to have atleast two computers in my classroom. One to have just incase I have any special needs or ELL learnings who could benefit from it. Other than that I would love to have as many tablets for my students to use. They are fun and a great hands on tool for the students.

  2. I enjoyed chapter 2 as well, I felt that I got a lot of helpful information from it. It gave some great examples of how to enhance ELL and students with I used some of the suggestions in the text when I wrote my lesson plan.

    1. This chapter opened me up on how to be creative and change the learning style of the future students in my classroom. Adding technology to help with learning and studying seems to be the best idea the chapter could give.

  3. While reading this chapter, I also thought about what if any technology would be available to the class. Also, how will I delegate time to students? Just what would they be able to do on the computers? I wouldn't want them to miss any lessons, so when will there be time for everyone to do something? If I give a group assignment, how can I make sure everyone is participating?

    1. Also, great first blog. My first time also :)

    2. I think I would use the computers to enhance a lesson. They would be a topic and have part of the assignment would be to do research on that topic using the computer. It would be more of a group or partner station depending on the number of computers in the classroom. I think putting a time limit would help them to stay on task and get the assignment done. I also like the idea of having a reward with the computer. If a student gets enough points they can play a fun learning game for a few minutes. Great thoughts to really think about how to use the computer.
